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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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WIC and Nutrition Services

Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)

WIC is a nutrition education and special supplemental food program for women, infants, and childen under age 5. Services we provide include:

  • Financial assistance to purchase certain healthy foods
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Referrals for immunizations and health care

What is WIC?

WIC is a federally funded nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children. WIC provides the following at no cost: healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, and referrals for health care and community services.

The Florida WIC Mobile App will give WIC participants the opportunity to view upcoming appointments, view food benefits that have been issued to them in the clinic, scan UPCs while shopping at the store to see if the UPC is a WIC Approved item or not, and provide information on locations of WIC Stores and WIC Clinics across the State of Florida.


In addition to these services, we provide breastfeeding support for new moms through our certified lactation consultants and breastfeeding peer counselors. It is recommended that infants be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of their lives and that moms continue breastfeeding after solid foods are introduced, for as long as you and your baby wish, for two years or beyond.

We can help you work through common breastfeeding road bumps so you can be as successful as possible in meeting that recommendation. We can also help you adapt your breastfeeding routine for returning to school or work.

WIC also offers a 7 day-a-week Infant Feeding Line to provide support for topics that include breastfeeding, bottle feeding, breast care, and pumping by our breastfeeding staff. Give us a call! We are here to help you.

Infant feeding line: 352-513-6060

WIC Eligibility Requirements

To be income-eligible for WIC, you must have a total household income that is equal to or less than the amounts listed in the WIC income guidelines and be a Florida resident. You are automatically income-eligible if you are currently receiving any of the following:

  • Medicaid
  • Temporary cash assistance
  • Food assistance

How to Apply

To apply for WIC call the Lecanto Wic office at 352-527-8490, the Inverness Wic office at 352-726-5222, or call, toll-free 1-800-342-3556 and ask to apply for WIC. 

What to bring to your WIC certification visit:

  • Each family member who is applying to receive WIC services.
  • Proof of ALL income for everyone in the household (income before taxes and deductions). Income includes things like: salaries, child support, alimony, foster care payments, interest withdrawn, unemployment compensation, and military earnings.
    • If you receive any of the assistance listed above, we can verify your enrollment in those programs. It is helpful to bring the current "Notice of Case Action" letter.
  • ONE proof of where you live (not a P.O. box). The document must be current and show your name and address. Examples include a utility bill, bank/insurance statement, or driver's license.
  • ONE proof of identification for you and ONE proof of identification for any infant or child applying for WIC. This can include birth certificates, driver's licenses, crib cards, military ID, photo ID, Social Security cards, or a hospital record.
  • WIC medical referral form, if your doctor completed one.
  • Social Security number for each person applying for WIC, if available.
  • Immunization (shot) record for each child, if available.

Locations and Hours of Operation

Citrus County WIC is offered from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (closed for lunch from noon - 1 p.m.):

Lecanto WIC Office: 3700 W. Sovereign Path, Lecanto, FL 34461

Lecanto phone number: 352-527-8490

Lecanto Fax number: 352-527-1292

Inverness WIC Office: 130 N. Montgomery Ave., Inverness, FL 34450

Inverness phone number: 352-726-5222

Inverness Fax number: 352-726-0868

Additional Information

If you suspect someone is misusing or abusing WIC program benefits, please call Toll-Free 1-855-283-5135.