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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Prenatal Care Program

Citrus County Health Department

We provide high quality prenatal care to people of all ages. Care is provided by a Certified Nurse Midwife and obstetrician throughout pregnancy according to recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

We can also provide basic infertility assessment and care.

Care is available with or without insurance. We accept Medicaid and can provide assistance in enrolling in Medicaid for those who have recently become pregnant.

When to Start Prenatal Care

Call to schedule your first prenatal care visit as soon as you think or learn that you are pregnant.

What to Expect with Starting Prenatal Care

We want to give you the best care possible. To do this we want to learn more about you and your health when you come in for your first appointment. We ask about:

  • Your personal and family health history
  • Medications you may use, including prescriptions and over-the-counter medications and supplements
  • Your lifestyle, including use of tobacco products, alcohol, and caffeine
  • Your travel history and plans to areas where certain infectious diseases are common

We will record your height and weight, estimate your day of delivery, and do a physical exam. We will also help you schedule ultrasound appointments at the facility of your choice. We may also perform some basic lab tests including:

  • Checking your blood type
  • Genetic testing with the latest and most accurate tests
  • Checking your body's immunity to certain viruses and other infections
  • Checking your exposure to recent or past infections

Pregnancy can bring on a lot of changes to your life and your body. We want to help and support you through this time. Please let us know about any questions and concerns you may have throughout your pregnancy and/or the upcoming birth of your little one.

Image shows a bee with the text: Together Citrus County supporting mothers and infants staying together

Substance Use and Pregnant?

We understand that this can happen for a variety of reasons. Each situation is unique to you. In Citrus County we are committed to providing everyone with confidential and non-judgmental care to assure the best outcome for you and your baby.


  • Seek prenatal care as soon as you determine you are pregnant.
  • Be honest with your prenatal care provider about any alcohol or substance use that you may have had during your pregnancy. This will help in determining the best course of action for you and your baby.
  • Develop a support team for the best outcome and to minimize DCF involvement at birth it is recommended that you have a prenatal care provider, home visiting, and be involved in substance use program during your pregnancy. Your support team can help you determine what level of care is most appropriate for your individual circumstances.
  • Protect against an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy.


  • Get involved with a home visiting program. Home visitors can help you develop a plan of safe care for you and your baby and negotiate connections to other providers specific to your situation in Citrus.
  • Talk to your care provider about birth control options before baby is born.


  • Understand that substance exposed newborns may have special needs after birth and good communication between you and your support team will help you negotiate these needs successfully.
  • Know what to look for in your newborn and when you should seek help for your infant.

"Click Here" - Substance Exposed Newborn to download some resources brought to you through a grant awarded to Childhood Development Services, Inc./Healthy Families Citrus on behalf of the Citrus SEN Taskforce.

For more information, call 352-302-5568 or 352-257-6000.